+200 Products
A diverse product range to suit the needs of every family member.

+4,000 Employees
Industry Expertise.

+40 Years of Experience
First to bring packaged milk to the Egyptian market.

Juhayna Food Industries is a leading Egypt-based manufacturer specialized in the production, processing and packaging of dairy, juice, and cooking products.
Since its founding in 1983, it has secured a frontrunner position in the dairy and juice industries in Egypt and has expanded its presence in the Middle East, a feat made possible through its firm commitment to delivering a wide range of high-quality, healthy, and safe products that have become trusted household names.
Founded by Safwan Thabet, Juhayna Food Industries was built on a vision to introduce the market to a new business model for food production that holds innovation at its core.
Today, with four fully operational facilities, a vast network of distribution centers serving more than 136,000 retail outlets nationwide, and a 5000-feddan, fully-owned dairy farm that has the capacity to house 7,000 milking cows covering a sizeable portion of the company’s raw milk needs, Juhayna continues to raise the benchmark for premium quality Egyptian manufactured products.

Tetra Pak
In partnership with Tetra Pak, Juhayna continues to engage in an ongoing public awareness campaign that highlights the hazards of loose milk in an effort to promote healthy living and improve public health standards.
The campaign has been successful in significantly reducing the percentage of consumers who opt for loose milk in Egypt. While the consumption of loose milk has dropped by nearly half over the years, there is still need for a continued effort to spread awareness; a cause that Juhayna remains committed to pursuing.
Our use of quality ingredients, internally manufactured concentrates, and state-of-the-art technologies for processing and packaging, alongside heavy investments in R&D to enhance our product offerings, aid in fulfilling our vision of bringing high quality, nutritious products to our customers.
Having achieved notable success in our Egyptian and Middle Eastern markets, we are pursuing new growth opportunities with exports to East and West Africa.